Alex graduated with University Honors from Brigham Young University in 2016 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and ARCS Research Fellow. He works on microfluidic semen preparation, Sperm Isolation from mTESE samples, and microfluidic xPCR. (Refer to Biomedical Devices and Lab-on-a- Chip Systems)
For his steadfast dedication to the mission of the Space Superiority Systems Directorate, Mechanical Engineering alum, Mark Eddings B.S.’04, received the Meritorious Civil Service Award, from the Los Angeles Air Force. Noted was the the fact that many of the advances over the past two years were spearheaded under Dr. Eddings’ leadership.
The Meritorious Civil Service Award is the second highest award a civilian can receive in the Air Force. This is especially remarkable when considering Mark has only worked for the Air Force for five years.
Mark A. Eddings was born and raised in Bountiful, Utah. He attended Bountiful High School where he graduated in 1997. After serving a two-year LDS mission to the Fiji Islands, he returned home and began studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah. He graduated in May of 2004 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and received his PhD in Bioengineering. Research work while working with mechanical engineering professor Bruce Gale in the Biomedical Microfluidics Lab include:
Development of a painless drug delivery system using microneedles. The project utilized photolithography, wet etching, electroplating, and other MEMS processes.
Development of micropumps for on-chip fluidic control for biosensors and protein spotting applications. Work was focused on PDMS-based peristaltic and permeation/diffusion pumps.
Development of highly arrayed continuous flow immunoassays in a microfluidic device.
Development of an ELISA assay for detection of antibodies to drug treatments given to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah is committed to providing students with broad-based, rigorous and progressive education. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with renowned faculty, the department provides an education that gives students the necessary skills to become the next generation of innovators.
Mechanical engineering professor Bruce K. Gale has been named a 2014 Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Distinguished Mentor by the University of Utah Graduate School. Gale was recognized during the 2014 College of Engineering convocation ceremony on May 2.
The $2,500 award recognizes faculty for effectively guiding students and fellows through professional and educational training. Gale is one of three award recipients this year, along with Matthew Mulvey (pathology) and Timothy W. Smith (psychology).
Engineering graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, alumni and colleagues nominated Gale for the honor, citing his devotion, appreciation for diversity and ability to individually tailor guidance.
“I am very honored and grateful to be nominated,” says Gale. “I am overwhelmed that so many thought so highly of my efforts, as there are many excellent mentors within the College of Engineering,” says Gale.
Gale was praised for his accessibility despite holding several university leadership positions, including director of the State of Utah Center of Excellence for Biomedical Microfluidics. He was also lauded for creating a supportive environment through weekly meetings that enable student researchers to present ideas and discuss barriers.
“Mentoring has helped me recognize the gifts and talents of many students, and that every student can make a contribution to science and engineering,” says Gale. “Recognition should also go to my great students and postdocs who make mentoring easy for me. I better appreciate the uniqueness and value of many more people, approaches and cultures.”
To receive the award, a mentor must have a record of guiding students to degree completion. Gale has graduated 13 Ph.D. and 27 M.S. students, advised six postdoctoral researchers and mentored dozens of undergraduates. He currently advises 11 Ph.D. and two M.S. students.
Exosomes are the smallest of the membrane bound vesicles that cells are known to shed. They are 30-100nm in diameter and partially overlap with microvesicles which are 100nm to 1000nm in size. Both groups of particles are biologically important. However their small size-especially for exosomes- makes them difficult to study with traditional light microscopes unless many are localized in a single area. While not every study distinguishes between these two classes of microvesicles, some of their cell signaling features do suggest a direct role in cancer metastasis. For example, they contain growth factors, mRNA, and miRNA; They have been shown to transfer onco-receptors to normal cells, promote angiogenesis, direct cancer growth, and make cancer worse. They also can be used to remove toxins from cells, and may serve as biomarkers themselves for disease states. Current techniques for separation and isolation of exosomes remains time consuming. These methods typically rely on overnight centrifugation, or on expensive affinity-capture techniques that can only target known proteins. Because there is a need for a reliable method to supply large volumes of exosomes for further study, the Gale group is developing methods and devices based on Field Flow Fractionation to address these and other technical aspects of exosome harvesting and isolation. The goal of this research is to develop a device capable of continuously harvesting exosomes from a biological sample. Watch for updates on this and the Center’s many other research projects by clicking on the Research tab.
THE SECRET IS OUT! The national Collegiate Inventors Competition formally announced that the University of Utah’s Mechanical Leech team is among their elite finalists.
The Collegiate Inventors Competition is a national competition that recognizes and rewards innovations, discoveries, and research by college and university students and their faculty advisors. Entries are judged on the originality and inventiveness of the new idea, process, or technology. Entries are also judged on their potential value to society (socially, environmentally, and economically), and on the scope of use.
Advised by mechanical engineering professor Bruce Gale (director of the Center of Excellence for Biomedical Microfluids at the University of Utah) and University of Utah School of Medicine surgeon, Dr. Jay Agarwal (assistant professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery and Huntsman Cancer Institute Investigator), mechanical engineering students Andy Thompson, Scott Ho and Jessica Kuhlman (B.S. 2013), chose the Mechanical Leech project as their senior capstone design.
Agarwal is interested in leech therapy for some of his patients and proposed the idea of a reliable functioning mechanical leech device to Dr. Bruce Gale. Gale felt it would make a nice undergraduate senior capstone project.
The University of Utah Mechanical Leech mimics the functions of the biological leeches used in leech therapy. The Mechanical Leech is currently about 1” (25mm) in diameter plus additional tubing, and will eventually offer numerous size variations to accommodate the doctors’ needs. The primary customers for the Mechanical Leech are intended to be doctors and surgeons.
The completed device will provide a suitable replacement for the biological leech by reducing excess fluidic pressure and injecting an anti-coagulant into patients. In addition to eliminating a patient’s adverse reaction to biological leeches, a Mechanical Leech will be able to provide more consistent, controllable performance over its parasitic counterpart, making it more desirable to doctors and surgeons to use during therapy.
Alongside 22 other senior design projects, the Mechanical Leech team showcased their finished product during the Department of Mechanical Engineering Design Day last April. It was one of three projects to receive a Boeing Distinguished Project Award. Additionally, last April they finished as the runner up at the Bench to Bedside competition at the Huntsman Cancer Institute where they received a $10,000 cash award.
“Mechanical Leech was in my top five project choices, but I didn’t really know what the project would be like; the title is what caught me,” says Jessica Kuhlman. “We were going to be solving a real world problem and that is the main reason I wanted to go into engineering. After the team got together, we met with Dr. Agarwal, who was crucial to our coming up with the design. Having a surgeon that has used leeches and be able to tell us how the device needs to function was very helpful. He was also a great resource regarding our potential future customers and what would make the device better and, from the doctors’ view point, more user friendly.”
“The thing that is most rewarding about this project is the scope of the project,” noted Scott Ho. “We were able to go from a product and field research stage to exploring commercialization and really consider all aspects of the engineering process. It was a project that had a practical application in the medical field and our role in the project encompassed the entire device, not just a small section of a system”
The national Collegiate Inventors Competition encourages students who actively pursue invention. Students frequently come from science, engineering, mathematics, and technology studies but creative invention can emerge from any course of study. The Competition also recognizes the working relationship between a student and his or her advisor.
Introduced in 1990, the Collegiate Inventors Competition has recognized, rewarded, and encouraged hundreds of students to share their inventive ideas with the world. The Competition promotes exploration in invention, science, engineering, technology, and other creative endeavors and provides a window on the technologies from which society will benefit in the future.
Each year, the finalists (or finalist teams) in the Graduate and Undergraduate Divisions receive all-expense paid trips to present their work to a panel of expert judges in Washington, D.C.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah is committed to providing students with broad-based, rigorous and progressive education. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with renowned faculty, the department provides an education that gives students the necessary skills to become the next generation of innovators.
Based on faculty activity report scholarship, as well as proposal and grant data, we are pleased to recognize Prof. Bruce Gale as our researcher of the year.
Gale is a guru of microfluidics, which is the study of flow in small (millimeter or smaller) channels. He employs 15-20 graduate and undergraduate students in the Center of Excellence for Biomedical Microfluidics. Gale’s research spans five categories: DNA extraction systems, highly parallel microfluidics, small animal processing systems, miniature medical devices, and nanoparticle separations and analysis. Applications for these projects range from rapid diagnosis of infection, bacteria or cancer to biowarfare protection.
Using a mechanism the size and shape of a CD, Gale’s digital PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is not only able to determine if a blood sample has cancer cells, it can tell you the stage of the cancer. And he does it in a matter of minutes.
The CD sized pathology digital PCR device is a total DNA analysis system or a ‘lab-on-a-chip.’ With a typical syringe, Gale or one of his students places a sample into a DNA extraction system, which collects the DNA and delivers it to the PCR disk before spinning it like any other CD. The spinning causes cells to collect in small wells where they can be quickly counted based on cell type.
Prof. Gale has developed several tools designed to take simple tests and make them perform dozens of tests simultaneously. These systems can make a simple sensor into one that can detect dozens of different particles all at the same time. This same technology is now being used to test tumors for the best drugs to treat that specific individual’s tumor. Finding the right drug cocktail to treat a patient’s cancer leads to a better recovery rate.
He and his students are also working on miniature medical devices and medical fluid applications. In a new device for nerve regeneration, patients with a severed nerve may be helped by the insertion of a microfluidic device that helps nerves grow back through the gap. For example, cut nerves result in paralysis of the extremities. While nerves do grow back, they do so very slowly and not usually where they belong. Gale’s exciting nerve regeneration device is an engineered system of valves in a tube loaded with drugs to guide the nerve in the correct direction and speed their growth.
Gale also studies exosomes, which are mini DNA/RNA cell communicators present in perhaps all biological fluids. They are between 30-100 nm, which is much smaller than red blood cells. Exosomes play key roles in communication between the cells in the body and may be involved in the processes of cancer spreading and heart disease. “We are excited about the NIH funding to create a tool to separate exosomes from blood. It will make it so that medical researchers can more easily study their properties,” notes Gale.
Prof. Gale’s group has also recently developed devices that can sort zebrafish embryos based on their DNA in a rapid fashion. The DNA is collected from 36 hour old embryos and allows medical researchers to decide which embryos are appropriate for testing with new drugs. These tools have the potential to speed the development of new drugs and help medical researchers focus on those experiments that will be most productive.
“We are working to bring health care out of the hospital and to the places where we normally live and work.”
Leech therapy is the practice of introducing biological leeches to induce blood flow through the region. The primary function of the leech is to prevent blood pooling and reduce pressure. This is accomplished naturally through the feeding process of leeches that creates a small incision, secretes an anticoagulant, and reduces the excess fluid.
University of Utah School of Medicine surgeon, Dr. Jay Agarwal, assistant professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery and Huntsman Cancer Institute Investigator, is interested in leech therapy for some of his patients. Agarwal proposed the idea of a reliable functioning mechanical leech device to Dr. Bruce Gale, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Center of Excellence for Biomedical Microfluids at the University of Utah. Gale felt it would make a nice undergraduate senior capstone project.
The University of Utah Mechanical Leech mimics the functions of the biological leeches used in leech therapy. The Mechanical Leech is currently about 1” (25mm) in diameter plus additional tubing, and will eventually offer numerous size variations to accommodate the doctors’ needs. The primary customers for the Mechanical Leech are intended to be doctors and surgeons.
The completed device will provide a suitable replacement for the biological leech by reducing excess fluidic pressure and injecting an anti-coagulant into patients. In addition to eliminating a patient’s adverse reaction to biological leeches, a Mechanical Leech will be able to provide more consistent, controllable performance over its parasitic counterpart, making it more desirable to doctors and surgeons to use during therapy.
“Mechanical Leech was in my top five project choices, but I didn’t really know what the project would be like; the title is what caught me,” says Jessica Kuhlman, mechanical engineering senior. “We were going to be solving a real world problem and that is the main reason I wanted to go into engineering. After the team got together, we met with Dr. Agarwal, who was crucial to our coming up with the design. Having a surgeon that has used leeches and be able to tell us how the device needs to function was very helpful. He was also a great resource regarding our potential future customers and what would make the device better and, from the doctors’ view point, more user friendly.”
“After coming up with the conceptual design,” commented Jessica, “we were able to create 3D printed designs and test them to the specifications that we had created. As our design progressed and we created multiple iterations, it seemed as though our design could be a viable option for the medical community. We had a lot of help along the way from our faculty advisor Professor Gale and senior design teacher, Dr. Shad Roundy, assistant professor in mechanical engineering. They were able to direct us on the path to success with our project.”
Victor Walker, mechanical engineering senior, agreed that, “Dr. Gale was an incredible advisor to work with. He provided great insight to our project and steered us in the right direction when we were lost. It was very beneficial to work with him as well because he was able to tell us what was expected on our presentations throughout the semester. I was initially attracted to the project because of the fluid mechanics part of it. I am getting a Fluid Mechanics emphasis with my degree and I wanted my senior design project to highlight that. Additionally, I was very intrigued that this project was tied into the medical field. I had never had experience within that field and thought it would be very interesting to try it out. I was overwhelmingly pleased with what our team was able to do with the project. We put a ton of hard work into our project and to see it pay off was incredible.”
“As for myself,” say team leader Andy Thompson, mechanical engineering senior, “what attracted me to this project was the opportunity to be part of the development of a medical device. My background is in manufacturing and I have spent some of that time manufacturing medical devices, so it was very interesting to be part of a medical device from the beginning.
One of the biggest problems we faced was actual testing of the device. Testing on live tissue is not really an option so we had to figure out ways of verifying different aspects of the device in other ways. Testing on “fleshy” type fruits to verify the diffusion and removal of the injected liquid solved this. Another was to pump Heparinized bovine blood through the device for several days to verify that the areas of fluid flow would not become clogged. Dr. Gale worked with us in a great advisory capacity, he helped us when we were starting to move in the wrong direction, but left us to fight out the details and learn for ourselves.”
“The thing that is most rewarding about this project is the scope of the project,” noted Scott Ho, mechanical engineering senior. “We were able to go from a product and field research stage to exploring commercialization and really consider all aspects of the engineering process. It was a project that had a practical application in the medical field and our role in the project encompassed the entire device, not just a small section of a system. At Design Day, typically the larger projects draw more attention because they are more tangible and ‘mechanical’, but I think the immediate and practical application of our device was a big draw, especially for Boeing and other people coming from an industry background.”
On April 12, the Mechanical Leech team finished as the runner up at the Bench to Bedside competition at the Point in Huntsman Cancer Institute and received a $10,000 cash award. Ho noted that, “Our participation with the Bench to Bedside competition pushed us to take the device further than the basic design and verification that most engineering projects reach. We really had to explore end-product market scenarios and the viability and customer demand for the mechanical leech. For me, the positive attention we received at the Bench to Bedside competition and at Design Day was completely unexpected. At Bench to Bedside, we were the only mechanical engineers and the majority of the teams were composed of medical school or bioengineering students and others with more experience in the medical field.”
Left to right: University of Utah Mechanical Leech Mechanical Engineering Seniors: Andy Thompson, Scott Ho and Ladan Jiracek. Team members not pictured Jessica Kuhlman and Victor Walker.
“We were also recognized by the judges that came from Boeing to our April 15, Mechanical Engineering Design Day, which was held in the Student Union Ballroom, as one of the top three projects,” says Ladan Jiracek, mechanical engineering senior. “I was personally attracted to this project because of my background. I have an education and work experience in the field of microsystems. I had actually taken a class from our advisor, Dr. Gale, in the field of microfluidics a few years ago. This was the main reason that even after the teams was set in the beginning of Fall semester, that I fought hard to get on the Mechanical Leech team.”
“As for the award,” noted Ladan, “it was not expected at all. When we entered the Bench to Bedside competition it was mostly to go through the learning experience. However, when we were presenting many judges complimented us om our project. We also had people bring others specifically to our presentation to show how good it was. Working with our advisor was a very pleasant experience. Although he is a very busy professor with many projects, he was able to make time for us and to give us helpful advice on what we needed to accomplish and improve upon.”
The Mechanical Leech undergraduate project was one of 23 senior design projects showcased during the Department of Mechanical Engineering Design Day held on April 16, 2013, in the Olpin Union Building. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah is committed to providing students with broad-based, rigorous and progressive education. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with renowned faculty, the department provides an education that gives students the necessary skills to become the next generation of innovators.
I am a post doc working in mechanical engineering. I love to use basic science to build engineering solutions. Furthermore, I enjoy interdisciplinary research as it is fun to learn from others and work with them to overcome challenges.
Because of these aspirations, microfluidics as a very interdisciplinary field has served me very well. My research in microfluidics focuses on designing simple and cost-effective replica molding methods for making microfluidic devices out of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). PDMS is a very popular biocompatible elastomer used to make microfluidic devices for biomedical applications. Replica molding is a set of fabrication techniques used to make microfluidic devices.
With this research focus I have designed simple and cost-effective replica molding protocols to make a microdevice used to calibrate Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems, a microvalve array for high throughput genetic screens of nematodes for neuronal-behavior analysis, and a microfluidic device used to genotype 1-2 day old zebrafish embryos without having any effect on embryos’ health.
I have an MBA from Symbiosis University, India and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Southern California, Los Angeles. I used to work on technology, consulting and research and development roles for start-ups to fortune 500 companies before starting on my Ph.D at the U. My current work is in Nanotechnology with focus on Microfluidics and Nano-sensors and their commercialization. I have worked on three early stage start-ups, which made it to the top 10 at the Utah Entrepreneurship Challenge 2012 & 2013. My interests lie in turning nanotechnology into marketable products.
I received my B.S. degree from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China in 2011 and currently am pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah. I mainly work on developing an implantable vascular coupling device to perform end-to-end anastomosis. We are hoping that our vascular coupling device would replace the traditional suturing method in an efficient and safe way.
My main project: Vascular coupling device for end-to-end anastomosis.
Abstract: Vessel anastomosis is common and often necessary during reconstructive and free tissue transfer surgeries. The current method of vessel anastomosis is traditional hand suturing. This technique is time consuming, difficult, and requires complex instruments. Prior attempts have been made at improving this technique, including various mechanical devices, adhesives and laser welding, etc. Each of these prior attempts was either more cumbersome than traditional hand suturing, was unable to maintain a tight seal, did not work for both veins and arteries, or increased thrombosis rates. To provide a more efficient and reliable vessel anastomosis, we are developing a new vascular coupling device (VCD) that can perform end-toend anastomosis in a quicker, easier and safer way.
Another project: Complete blood counting technique using microfluidics
Abstract: Peripheral blood smear examination is a common, inexpensive and powerful diagnostic aid, which can provide reliable information about a variety of hematologic disorders, and is often used as a follow-up test to abnormal results on a complete blood count. Both these techniques require technical expertise and involve elaborate handling steps for sample preparation, which is prone to introducing artifacts, and neither is readily adaptable to use in low resource environments by untrained personnel. Attempts have been made at developing faster, automatic diagnostic methods for more reliable blood analysis, but most of these methods are expensive and focused on specific disease diagnosis, like Malaria. To keep the general applicability and clinical versatility of blood smear, we designed and fabricated a portable, automated, and low cost microfluidic device that integrates blood loading, metering, diluting, fixing, and staining on a chip, providing the ability to do a variety of clinical diagnostic measurements such as: complete blood count, differential blood analysis, and sickle cell determination. We also developed a new fabrication method to integrate glass into threedimensional PDMS device.
In the USIn Xia Men, ChinaMy friend and me at Xi an, China.